In an open letter to Nga published on his blog, Nik Aziz praised the Taiping MP for his bravery in reciting the Quranic verse despite lacking the right pronunciation.
Nik Aziz said he felt overwhelmed that a non-Muslim had attempted to recite the Quran and understood Nga’s disappointment that some Chinese were being blocked from discovering or knowing Islam and Al-Quran.
Nik Aziz, who is also PAS spiritual leader, added that he also understood Nga’s frustration with the objections from some quarters in Umno, but said that his attempt would generate interest among the non-Muslims to organise forums or discourse on Islam.
“I have a dream that one day more non-Muslims like the Chinese, Indians, Siamese, Bajaus and Kadazan will come forward to become officials like qari, ustaz, khatib or imam for mosques,” he said, adding that he was also confident that Islam’s rebirth in Malaysia would become a reality someday.
“I believe Nga has laid the foundation stones towards this,” he said, adding that the time had come to organise seminars on Islam for non-Muslims.
“Together we can see the light at the end of the tunnel and let us all go there together,” said Nik Aziz as he signed off the letter.
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