Friday, August 8, 2008

'Comfortable number' for Sept 16 - Malaysiakini

September 16 is the date bandied about by Anwar Ibrahim to form the new federal government.

Although skeptics have long brushed that aside as a political tactic of the opposition icon to destabilise the administration of Premier Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, the man himself declared again today that "we are still on track for Sept 16".

1 comment:

Nostradamus said...

Nostradamus Quatrains on Malaysie

In the year of the great games started by the Greeks
Hosted by the nation of heavenly emperors of times before
In a land called Malaysie
Great turbulence and strife engulf

A land where a Genghis Khan’s Descendant was shred to bits
Blown by the winds to the heavenly clouds
Where the accused are finally crowned
Amid great trepidation and acrimony

Then arose among men of honor
A man of the faith of Mohammedans
Kings and Rulers let him reign
And a new nation was born

Great leaders bring forth divination and revelations
A land of many tribes divided was thus united
The color of men was blurred and lost
By great competition to give their best

Herein lies the destiny of men
Who showed the meaning of democracy and humanity
Religions and languages flourishes as times before
A land as peaceful as Shangri La

Malaysie, a stopping point of travelers must see
Back to the days of great Sultans and Rajas
Nations and men afar come to seek their wealth
Knowledge, trade and life flourishes as before
